AUS- UND FORTBILDUNGEN | Dezember 2024 bis Juni 2025
The European Association of Independent Performing Arts kindly invites to a Series of Online Events / 14h – 16h CET
#1 12.12.2024 – Community Building: Uniting the Art Scene
#2 13.02.2025 – South-East Dialogue: Definitions of Art, Visibility and Funding
#3 08.05.2025 – Social Responsibility of Art
#4 12.06.2025 – Environmental Responsibility of Art
While in some European countries interest groups and associations have already represented the interests of specific art scenes, such as the independent performing arts sector, for many years on the national level, other countries‘ art scenes still face an uphill battle when it comes to uniting artists and voicing their concerns and demands as one. Since the effectiveness of solidary structures and common goals in policy negotiations has been proven, this event will thus focus on how some artists and cultural workers have scrambled to establish structures in their regions in order to bring together artists to join those conversations. Artists at grassroots level, representatives from newly created arts associations and those working despite lack of funding will talk about the challenges, demands and progress they have seen in their countries.
For this event, artists, producers and representatives from arts associations and interest groups based in Southern and Eastern European countries will come together to discuss ways of thriving without major state support. As some countries‘ art scenes rely on cooperation with other European partners and receive funding from bodies such as the Norway Grants scheme, artists and cultural organisations have had to find other means to fill the gaps of national funding opportunities. Especially independently working artists or those with a multidisciplinary approach often fall outside limited definitions of state-sponsored art practices. Questions thus arise as how to survive as an artist in those situations and how advocacy efforts and international collaboration can raise the visibility of underfunded local art scenes.
In a recent communique on the working conditions of artists, the European Union has reiterated its commitment to upholding artistic freedom in all member countries. However, as cultural debates have recently become more and more politicized, especially in countries with more authoritarian governmental rule, the role of the artist as a social agent has to be re-examined: What responsibility does the artist have in creating their art? Do artistic projects need to address the issues facing their communities, or should art be a site of refuge? Can it be both? These and other questions will be discussed by artists and academics working in the independent performing arts sector.
With a looming climate crisis, artists and art projects are not only asked to uphold ecologically sustainable working practices but to address environmental debates in their work as well. Repurpose, reuse and recycle have therefore driven organisational innovation, and topics concerning the planetary decay in the age of the Anthropocene have started to conquer stage and gallery. But what can the ecologically insignificant arts sector really achieve in the face of big polluters, like the car or energy sector? For this event, artists, cultural managers and sustainability experts will come together to discuss the ways in which we can effect structural change and the role of individual artistic responsibility.
TKI - Tiroler Kulturinitiativen
Dreiheiligenstraße 21 a
c/o Die Bäckerei
6020 Innsbruck
MO-DO: 9 - 12 Uhr, DI: 14 - 17 Uhr
und nach Vereinbarung
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